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What are the basic characteristics of Shield and cratons. Why is that they are significant for a country’s geography? Why is that they are significant for a country’s geography

Shields are a regional surface of low relief having an elevation within a few hundred metres above sea level. Shields are broadly convex and relatively immobile regions, usually constructed of Precambrian metamorphic and igneous rocks.
The gentle, low relief is broken by resistant rock formations that rise a few tens of metres above the surrounding less resistant rocks. On a regional basis, shields are flat, slightly convex and almost featureless.
Shields are composed of a highly deformed sequence of Precambrian metamorphic rocks and granitic intrusions known as basement complexes.
Most of the rocks are of the Precambrian age and are formed under conditions of high temperature and pressure, many kilometres below the surface. These rocks are traversed by faults and joints expressed at the surface by linear depressions.
The sedimentary volcanic rocks of the shield are highly deformed and as such have been converted to complex metamorphic rocks.
These rocks were at a later stage intruded by granitic magmas.

The upper cover of sedimentary and metamorphic terrain has been removed by erosion, exposing what we now see at the surface. These complex igneous and metamorphic rocks form the nucleus of every continent.

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